
Showing posts with label NQ Cooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NQ Cooling. Show all posts

January 28, 2013

Notable Quotes

"Once again we see that the predictions of those who expect the worst are most likely wrong. The lack of sea-level rise over the last half century, the missing spread of drought, the stubborn refusal of major storm frequency to rise, and, most noticeably, the lack of increasing temperatures have conspired to force the climate alarmists back to their models."

Doug L. Hoffman

January 15, 2011

"Notable Quotes"

" The terrible truth may be that civilization arose in and only because of an unusual warming period. If that is the truth, God help us, we are probably doomed in pretty short order (historically speaking). Meanwhile, warming has always been good for us and there is no reason to think that that will be different in the future. Individual persons and societies in general suffer much more from cold than from heat. If or when the global climate cycles back and the glaciers return, let us hope that human activity really can heat up the world "

Ken Blanchard

December 29, 2010

"Notable Quotes"

"As every newspaper reader outside of North Korea should know by now, a warmer world is expected to be a world perhaps with more snow, perhaps with less snow, perhaps with both; perhaps with more floods, perhaps with more droughts, perhaps with both; perhaps with more cold, perhaps with more heat, perhaps with both…That covers more or less every possibility, apart from “no change at all”, hence it is similar to expecting at the roulette table any number between 0 and 14 and between 16 and 36, having seen “15″ come out several times in a row. There is no need of peer-review or statistical analysis to do that. There is not even any need to model the roulette wheel and its pockets. And as any trip to the Casino can show, there is no reward at all in betting upon such an extremely-wide-ranging set of 'projections'. "

Maurizio Morabito.

February 16, 2010

"Notable Quotes"

" The evidence that the stratospheric temperatures have not been behaving as the IPCC models have predicted (i.e. with a more-or-less monotonic cooling in the absence of major volcanic eruptions of ash into the stratosphere) has been clear to anyone who has looked at the data....

...The reason for the lack of a multi-year trend in the lower stratosphere since 1995 has not received the attention it needs. Indeed, since the IPCC multi-decadal global climate models have not predicted this behavior, this is yet another reason to question the skill of their forecasts of climate for the coming decades.


Roger Pielke Sr


January 5, 2010

"Notable Quotes"

" At some point, any sane, commonsense person must reach the conclusion that the evidence of harsh temperatures is ubiquitous, and what is occurring in the Peruvian mountains is no longer an anomaly

As plans are being made for the next UN ‘climate change' conference, the annual attempt at a power and money grab; the serious and most dangerous anomaly is that there are people who still believe the planet is warming.


William D. Zeranski


August 31, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

"There is another reason for proposing the postponement of future global warming conferences. After 1998 or 2000, global temperature has stopped rising and shows a sign of cooling, in spite of the fact that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is still rapidly rising. This is an observed fact. Therefore, their temperature prediction for the year 2100 has already failed during the first 10 years. However, IPCC scientists have not recognized it, saying that it is just a temporal change; but 10 years of consistent change is considered climate change."

Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu-Founding Director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), its Director since its establishment in 1998 until January 2007. Previously he was director of the Geophysical Institute since 1986

August 18, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

"This year there is more ice on average. Hudson Bay in particular has seen a very cold winter and essentially a late spring."


Dr. David Barber, Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science and the director of the Centre for Earth Observation Science at the University of Manitoba


August 11, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania experienced their coolest July on record. Kentucky, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Michigan each had their second coolest July on record, while Minnesota and Tennessee had their third coolest July on record.



July 29, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

"Let’s now examine another successful prediction of mine. In March, 2008 at the first Heartland climate conference in New York, I predicted that Solar Cycle 24 would mean that it would not be a good time to be a Canadian wheat farmer. Lo and behold, the Canadian wheat crop is down 20% this year due to a cold spring and dry fields. "


David Archibald

July 18, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

"Today, walking down the street in downtown Minneapolis at 5:30, en route from my office to my parking ramp, I saw something I've never seen before: a man wearing a winter coat in July. Well, maybe not quite a winter coat, but definitely a fall/winter semi-parka with an unzipped, faux-fur lined hood. He was carrying a briefcase and looked like a businessman who was tired of being cold every time he went outdoors. In the summer.

I personally don't think that we (all of humankind, let alone we Americans) can control the weather, but for those who do think we possess that Godlike power, here's a request: can we turn the thermostat up a little?


John H. Hinderaker

June 2, 2009

Today's Thought

"The weather service says a freeze warning means sub-freezing temperatures are highly likely. Crops and other senstive vegetation will probably die in those conditions."

via Tom Nelson

May 29, 2009

Skeptics From Around the Globe


Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, BSc, PhD, Biologist, Writer, Senior Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs, Director, Australian Environment Foundation,

"....actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you'd expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years."

May 16, 2009

Skeptics From Around the Globe


Dr. George T. Wolff is a Principal Scientist with General Motors’ Public Policy Center. He has a B.S in Chemical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology, a M.S. in Meteorology from New York University, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from Rutgers University.

“As an atmospheric scientist for over thirty years, engaged in studying and seeking solutions to environmental problems, I am appalled at the state of discord in the field of climate science. For too many in the field, critical thinking, the basis for all scientific inquiry, is not only absent, it is disdained. The basis for the crisis-level global warming concerns are climate models (and their predictions) that are not validated and poorly reproduce the observed hydrological cycle. In addition, the surface temperature networks are contaminated by urban and other land-use influences. T hese facts alone should be reason for skepticism.

However, many additional reasons exist. There is no observational evidence that the addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused any temperature perturbations in the atmosphere. Historical accounts and paleoclimatological evidence tell us that it has been significantly warmer and significantly colder in the past. Moreover, in the past, temperature changes preceded changes in CO2 concentrations, which imply that temperature drives atmospheric CO2 concentrations, not visa versa. Furthermore, statistical relationships between solar activity proxies and climate hint at a controlling relationship with the sun even though observed solar variability alone is insufficient to explain all of the variation in temperature. It is unconscionable that solar and other natural phenomena, such as the oceanic oscillations, are not included in the dialogue as we pursue explanations for the recent warm temperatures and a more recent apparent cooling trend,”


March 17, 2009

Skeptics From Around the Globe


Dr David Gee Geologist, Uppsala University, Sweden chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress
“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?"

March 12, 2009

"Notable Quotes"

"Whatever the weather, it's not being caused by global warming. If anything, the climate may be starting into a cooling period."


Atmospheric scientist Dr. Art V. Douglas, former Chair of the Atmospheric Sciences Department at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska