
April 21, 2009

Proof of collective Insanity

Here comes collective insanity, led by Mr ALGORE himself

from politico

Hill gears up for big climate week

Congress is launching the “mother of all climate weeks” on Tuesday, with a monster hearing designed to push forward global warming legislation.

Fifty-four witnesses will testify on climate change legislation in three full days before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, topped off with an appearance from Al Gore on Friday. The committee will also hear from EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and high-profile representatives from business and the environmental movement....

I want you to think about the above posted article and everything you hear about the science being settled. The numbing drumbeat of scientist,media and politicians constantly hammering home the crisis f climate change. The absolute necessity to act now to save the planet. Then read this one simple article and this one simple paragraph in it.

Black carbon emerges as climate villain

....The idea that black carbon is a major contributor to climate change is so new that soot isn’t even mentioned in the 2007 IPCC report that declared evidence of global warming unequivocal. Although carbon dioxide is still the chief climate change culprit, soot may be responsible for half again as much warming as CO2......

Tell me we are not engaging in collective insanity.

Don't you think it would be more worthwhile to invest our time, our resources and our compassion on providing folks like this, electricity?

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