When I used to carry on discussions with the true believers I would point out information like this below. Of course I was roundly taken to task for not understanding the soooo complicated science of global warming.
Here is the simple common sense reality, that anyone without a degree in anything ought to be able to grasp.
If the sea around Antarctica is freezing more than it used to, then it must be colder than it used to be (as a whole) around the continent of Antarctica, Is that not common sense? If it is warmer (as a whole) around the continent of Antarctica, how is more ice forming than when it was supposedly colder? I realize there are other things at play here such as ocean currents and such, the same natural variability I might point out that are at play in the Arctic, but are ignored. However all in all you can not grow more ice by turning up the heat.

Which brings me to my final point (for now), if sea ice surrounding the massive continent of Antarctica is increasing, how can the interior of Antarctica be warming? Do you realize that Antarctica basically is an ice box with only about two months of summer.
On the polar plateau, temperature is controlled by solar input, latitude and altitude. The annual average temperature is -50°C (-58°F). Winter temperatures drop quickly, then level out. Summer is short, from mid-December to mid-January, however, temperatures can reach a balmy -30°C (-22°F)! This is partly due to the increase in solar radiation, but also the surface of the ice is a little darker and, therefore, less reflective after the winter. A small accumulation of fresh snow at the onset of winter quickly restores the high surface albedo.
Even the IPCC in their last report recognized the absurdity of projecting Antarctica melting.
'Current global studies project the Antarctic ice sheet will remain too cold for widespread surface melting and is expected to gain in mass due to increased snowfall,'
All this hype and fear mongering by the media and agenda driven scientist about Antarctica is reprehensible.
from Global Warming Hoax
Sea ice at Antarctica is up over 43% since 1980 and we hear nothing in the news, yet Arctic ice is down less than 7% and they're all over it! We've been waiting for the main stream media to pick up on the increase of Antarctic ice but so far they're been totally absent. Guess its doesn't fit the plan....

Still no sign of the national media on the extraordinary growth of sea ice at the antarctic. They sure haven't missed a chance to point out the relatively small loss of ice at the arctic. Did did it ever occur to them that perhaps there is a natural process at work that has shifted ice growth from one pole to the other? Do they not want to admit that there are things man doesn't yet understand about how this planet works?
Remember that some of the “models” predicted increased antarctic ice, but they predicted increased “interior ice” due to increased snow fall. None of the models predicted increased sea ice around the antarctic. Yet that is what we have, and not just a little increase but a 43% increase since 1980!. This is highly significant yet hardly anyone in the main stream media (MSM) is talking about it.
Sea ice is much different than interior ice. Some of the models predicted increased ice over the interior of antarctic. If you've ever lived in the extreme cold temperature regions you already understand this. When it gets very cold the air become drier and it snows less, as the temperature warms towards freezing it actually snows more. Since the antarctic rarely even gets close to freezing its understandable that warming would cause more snow fall. Over time compacted snow would lead to more ice. But that is not what is happening here. We're seeing a dramatic increase in “sea ice”, this ice is over the ocean. Sea ice is caused by colder temperatures, not by increased snow fall. An increase of 43% is highly significant, but we hear nothing from either the MSM or the scientific community. Especially compared to the out 6%-7% decrease at the arctic (this isn't year over year, this is a 6% decline since 1980!).....
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