FROM- Seacoast on line
A different take on global warming
Meteorologist contends it is a natural occurrence
By Patrick Cronin
HAMPTON— When you think global warming, you think warm weather, polar ices caps melting, rising sea levels and the possibility that Florida may one day be under water.
But nationally-known global warming lecturer and Ogunquit, Maine resident Tom Wysmuller gave a different perspective Thursday night when he presented a forum titled, "The Colder Side of Global Warming" as part of this month's "energy conversation."
Every month, the town's Energy Committee hosts a conversation with people who are experts in some aspect of the energy issue.
Wysmuller — a meteorologist — said global warming is part of the natural climate cycle.
"Global warming occurred on this planet and ended the Ice Age," Wysmuller said.
The theory, he said, is based on research by scientists Maurice Ewing and William Donn that was done 50 years ago. Recent data, he said, validates much of it.
Wysmuller said the cause of the natural cycle is the melting and freezing of the northern polar ice cap due to warm ocean currents flowing into the Arctic Ocean. As the waters continues to warm, more and more carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere.
"Carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean," Wysmuller said. "The warmer the ocean is, the less dissolved CO2 stays in."
Man-made carbon dioxide is accelerating the process, he said, but it is not the ultimate cause.
No amounts of "carbon management" and associated "green" efforts will stop the Arctic ice from melting.
The consequences of that, he said, is that the northern half of the United States will see colder winters. He said the process will generate "ocean-effect" rain and snow, similar to the lake-effect rain and snow that hits the upstate New York area.
Wysmuller said for the first time residents will see ocean-effect snow covering large areas of North America and Asia.
As that continues to occur, the snow will take longer to melt each year.
"What happens, is what you had last winter," Wysmuller said. "You had a very cold winter and spring that lasted late into June."
He says it will get worse each year until finally there is so much snow on the ground that it will not be able to melt.
"The accumulated snowfall increases reflecting light so temperatures will cool," said Wysmuller, eventually starting a new ice age.
Wysmuller said sea levels, however, will not rise.
"Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice on their edges," Wysmuller said. "They are doing that at accelerating pace, but its only the edges.
"The interior of Antarctica and Greenland are actually increasing ice," he said. "The more open water that appears around Greenland, the more ice that is dumped on center of the continent basically causing a balance."
So what can be done to stop another ice age from occurring? Wysmuller suggests building a dam to control warm ocean currents working their way into the Arctic.
"If we can build a dam, we can actually control the melt and refreezing of the ocean," he said. "This will basically enable us to manage our own climate."
If those in power don't do anything, Wysmuller said, the entire Arctic will eventually be open water.
"We will inundate North America and Asia with ice," Wysmuller said. "In the next century, a billion people who haven't even been born yet would die horrible deaths."
Wysmuller's presentation was an abbreviated version of one that he has been making all over the county.
In addition to being a meteorologist, Wysmuller served as the administrative director of Government Operations at Pratt & Whitney, where he wrote the code that solved the Polynomial Regression Algorithm now part of millions of Texas Instruments' calculators.
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