BELLEVUE -- Just one week ago, we were bracing for a "cool down" from the 80s to the 60s.
Now, it's getting downright wintry. And in some parts of our viewing area, snow is piling up.
This may be one for the record books, not only how early this heavy fall snowstorm is, but the fact that it appears to have created the earliest snow day in the history of the Blaine County School District.
“We got dumped on last night, you can see that by looking around here. We weren't quite ready for it. It did cause us some issues in the school district," Lonnie Barber, Blaine County Superintendent.
Not just the school district, but throughout the county. At least 3,500 Idaho Power customers in the Wood River Valley were without electricty today. Utility officials blame heavy wet snow for knocking out power in Bellevue and Hailey. Outages were also reported in Fairfield and Carey.
Since the trees haven't had time to shed their leaves, the snow accumulated and burdened the branches to their breaking point. Many of which landed on power lines.
After about an hour and a half, the Blaine County superintendent said it was time to call it a day for those at Bellevue Elementary School -- the only school left in the dark.
"At about 9:30 this morning we mobilized and started making calls. We didn't want students in the cold, very quick response. Within minutes parents had picked up all but 18 kids, an hour later, all students were at home. Unfortunately we lost one day of school, but only in one of our schools. This is the only school that had the power outage," said Barber.
And, as luck would have it the power got restored just as the last few students were reunited with their parents.
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