
April 18, 2009

Somebody votes for these people

There is only one problem with our congress-they have the power to destroy us. It would be nice though if we are to be led to economic destruction if he had a clue about what he was talking about, pathetic and frighteningly naive.

from Prometheus

Squaring the Circle

...Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) also sees increasing the costs of energy as the key motivation for cap and trade (h/t MS):

If we raise the price of energy, which will happen if we’re reducing the amount of carbon emissions, and industries have to figure out how to live in a carbon-constrained environment, they are going to have to figure it out because it’s in their profitable interest to figure it out.

Mr. Waxman might want to stick to the flawed economics:

We’re seeing the reality of a lot of the North Pole starting to evaporate, and we could get to a tipping point. Because if it evaporates to a certain point -they have lanes now where ships can go that couldn’t ever sail through before. And if it gets to a point where it evaporates too much, there’s a lot of tundra that’s being held down by that ice cap.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable stupidity. "a lot of the North Pole starting to evaporate [...]they have lanes now where ships can go that couldn’t ever sail through before. Does he know what the North Pole is? Does he know its the furthest from evaporation than it has ever been?
    Does he know that wooden ships sailed further into the ice mass 100 years ago than current explorers now?
    Or is he just lying for personal benefit...
